Hollenskir innistæðueigendur sem áttu fjármagn inn á Icesave reikningum Landsbankans hvetja íslenska þingmenn til að hafna samkomulaginu við Breta og Hollendinga.

Þetta kemur fram í bréfi sem sent var á alla alþingismenn í gær þar sem fram kemur að það séu ekki einungis Íslendingar sem hafi efasemdir um samkomulagið heldur hafi hollenskir innistæðueigendur einnig sýnt samkomulaginu andstöðu.

Hópurinn sem stendur að baki bréfinu segir skuldabyrði Íslands vegna lánsins vera of þunga, það muni taka mörg ár að greiða lánið, bankageirinn verði óstarfhæfur auk þess sem hópurinn telur að Englandsbani og Seðlabanki Evrópu eigi að koma að málinu þar sem þeir beri líka ákveðna ábyrgð.

Þá telur hópurinn að Ísland eigi að taka lán fyrir öllum innistæðum, eða um 7,3 milljarða evra. Lánið eigi að koma frá Seðlabanka Evrópu og Englandsbanka á 1% vöxtum.

Hópurinn segir að með því móti eignist Íslendingar allar kröfur í Landsbankann og geti ráðstafað þeim af vild auk þess sem kostnaðurinn verði aðeins um helmingur þess sem nú er áætlað. Þá segir einnig að fyrrnefnd lán gefi Íslandi tækifæri til endurreisnar í stað þess að standa í sífelldri baráttu.

Þá segir hópurinn að fari svo að íslensk stjórnvöld samþykki samninginn sem nú liggur fyrir muni málssóknum rigna yfir ríkið í kjölfarið. Ekki bara muni kröfuhafar í Landsbankann sækja mál sitt gegn FME heldur munu þeir leita réttar síns fyrir EFTA dómsstólum.

Þá hvetur hópurinn einnig til þess að viðræður um nýtt samkomulag fari fram á milli stjórnmálamanna, ekki embættismanna líkt og gert hafi verið við gerð núverandi samkomulags.


Hér að neðan má sjá bréfið í heild sinni:

Dear Member of the Althingi,

Not only in Iceland severe doubts exist on the loan agreement between Iceland, the Netherlands and the UK. Also the unguaranteed Dutch Icesave depositors have raised objections against the deal.

The reasons for this are:

1. The burden of this loan is unaffordable for Iceland

2. The deal removes only half the Icelandic deposit-liabilities

3. Due to this Iceland will remain in litigation on Icesave for many years to come

4. The banking sector will remain subject to litigation

5. The European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of England (BoE) are parties that should get involved, as they also have some responsibility

6. As a result the other half of the deposit liabilities will stay for decennia to come because Iceland will not be able to recover. This will be to the detriment of Iceland and all remaining depositors.

In our view the loan should be expanded to all deposits, being roughly 7.3 billion Euro's. The loan should be arranged through the ECB and the BoE against a 1% interest. The result is:

1. This will remove all litigation - allow Iceland to focus on rebuilding rather than fighting

2. It gives Iceland full ownership of Landsbanki in order to resolve it as good as possible

3. It costs Iceland half of the current deal, which is much more realistic

We think the current loan agreement, that requires your approval should be rejected. In a discussion this important for the future of Iceland, this option should be seriously examined, to judge its full potential.

If the current agreement is not rejected, this will be the start of several procedures against Iceland. From our part, we will not only have a liability claim against FME but we will also be forced to lodge a complaint at the EFTA concerning the discrimination of foreign depositors compared to Icelandic depositors. And other claims from other groups will soon follow. This is all destructive, and can be prevented if Iceland now chooses to resolve everything at once. To be able to come clear, it needs more help, and that is what should be asked for more intrusively.

We envisage more help is possible. Discussions should be held at a political level rather than at the administrative level the current agreement was negotiated at.

Please find attached a presentation on this integral solution. A solution that is better for Iceland, and showing the world Iceland is really willing to take responsibility.

We trust you to understand an integral solution is to favor over the current loan. So we ask you to reject the current deal, and ask your PM to re-open the negotiation for an integral solution on a political level.

On behalf of the Dutch unguaranteed Icesave depositors,

Your Sincerely,

Joost de Groot


vereniging van gedupeerde Icesave spaarders